

Friday, September 28, 2007


What a week! Yesterday was about the scariest day I have had in quite a long time. Somewhere between home and work yesterday morning I lost my glasses. I have a fabulous pair of Rx Sunglasses that I switch to on my way to work. When I got to my desk, I reached for my daily glasses only to find out that they weren't where I thought they were. 1 sprint in heels to retrace my steps to the bus stop later, I still had no idea where they were. I was terrified. I am useless without my glasses. What was I going to do? The bell was going to ring in mere minutes and I had no idea how I was going to get through attendance, let alone the rest of my day.

Thankfully I am blessed to be part of a staff of wonderful human beings. I had many offers of rides, supervision for my class, and assistance in my search. I called in a replacement for the day and hightailed it out the door in search of my spectacles. I have yet to find them. I believe they are lost. I have a new pair coming next week.

This experience really served to punctuate for me how reliant I am on my glasses. I was embarrassed, convinced that I had been careless or that it would be perceived that way. I was scared that I would not be able to do my job properly without them. It brought up quite a few strong emotions. I was surprised. Regardless, I breathed through most of them and stayed fairly balanced and calm. There was a time when I would have totally panicked and dissolved into uselessness almost immediately. I managed to keep it together, take care of my responsibilities and attempt to track down my missing item. Not bad for a Hip Tranquil Chick in training!

My wish for the future is that October will bring some calm and some peace.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Quick and Dirty

Just a quick note for a new day. I woke this morning with my mind already going on how to change my life. I am quite excited about this. My BFF and I are going shopping at Ikea for a couple hours. I can't wait!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Enter; the Hip Tranquil Chick!

I purchased a new book today, after surfing amazon.ca with my tea. I am not sure how I came across it, or what lead me to it, but I am thrilled with my purchase. It is exactly what I need!

The book is called "Hip Tranquil Chick: A Guide to Life On and Off the Yoga Mat" written by Kimberly Wilson. It explores all the things I have been ruminating about of late; creating a personal yoga practice that suits my lifestyle, dressing to reflect who I am, creating a vision for who I would like to be and consciously making choices to fulfill that vision, and being hip and tranquil the whole time! I dove right into it when I came home. I think I might have found my new bible....

One of the first things I did after opening this book was run to get a highlighter, pencil and journal to write in. (You know I am serious when..) I started my examining the "if only's"

- if only I were less fat
- if only I had more money
- more time
- better communication with my partner
- more time
- a more tranquil child
- more like minded friends
- more freedom
- more time....

and then I continued on to identifying my values. These things are supposed to help me create a vision statement for who I want to be. (I haven't created that yet, but I will)

I flipped to the back of the book and read about wardrobing.... lots of ideas for how to spruce up my wardrobe, which has been needing it and organize my life, which has also been needing it.

I am pumped about this book. I haven't been this excited about ANYTHING in a long time.

We'll see where it goes :) I will be back soon ...